This document was written and is being maintained by Joshua D. Abraham. It assumes the user has a basic understanding of computers. This document contains the steps for installing an IDS database on FreeBSD 5.4. This document contains the small differences between FreeBSD 5.4 and FreeBSD 6.0. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions please feel free to email me at jabra (-at-) ccs (dot) neu (dot) edu -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Install ntpdate $ pkg_add -r ntp $ ee /etc/rc.conf ADD the following line ntpd_enable="YES" Save and Quit [ esc a a ] ------------------------- 2) Install Apache-modssl $ cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl $ make $ make certificate VIEW=1 $ make install clean 3) Install MYSQL $ cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server $ make install clean 4) Install PHP 4 $ cd /usr/ports/lang/php4-extensions $ make install clean scroll to select GD [tab] select ok [ enter ] Menu options for php4 [ tab ] select ok [ enter ] Menu options for php4-gd [ tab ] select ok [ enter ] $ cd /usr/ports/databases/php4-mysql $ make install clean [ tab ] to select ok [ enter ] ** Note if there is an a menu option or if it ask if you want apache 1.3 or apache 2.0 select apache 1.3 $ cd /usr/ports/graphics/php4-gd $ make install 5) Install Acid $ pkg_add -r jpgraph $ cd /usr/ports/security/acid $ make install clean at the menu add mysql support then [tab] to select ok [enter] at the adodb menu select tests [space] [tab] to select ok[enter] 6) Configure Host $ ee /etc/hosts CHANGE the following localhost to localhost database Save and Quit [ esc a a ] ------------------------- 7) ACID Configs $ chmod 644 /usr/local/www/acid/acid_conf.php $ ee /usr/local/www/acid/acid_graph_form.php After the line with